Digital Roughnecks Podcasts

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Episode 60

Digital Twins 2.0: Remotely Monitor and Manage Your Assets Using Computer Vision

Floyd Baker and Mark Smith discuss the benefits of using Digital Twins 2.0 to remotely monitor and....

Episode 53

Differentiated Gas: Nothing But Hot Air Without These Five Criteria

Differentiated Gas: Nothing But Hot Air Without These Five Criteria The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) recently posted....

Episode 45

EPA Appendix K – New rules for OGI LDAR surveys

EPA has released their step-by-step guide on how to conduct a LDAR (leak detection and repair) survey....

Episode 43

EPA Emissions Update – OOOOb/c

EPA announced a significant update to their emissions regulations.   In this episode, I summarize EPA’s 577-page....

Episode 61

EPA OOOOb/c Cheat Sheet v2

I Summarize 1,438 Pages of New EPA OOOO b/c Regulations into 16-pages In Under 15 Minutes.  ....

Episode 27

ESG & Regulatory Impact Part 1

We cover how state, federal, global and ESG regulations are impacting all energy producers. We cover how....

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