Episode 62

How to prevent tank super-emitter events

Episode 62

How to prevent tank super-emitter events

Inside this episode

Learn how to prevent tank super-emitter events using Xtreme Tank Technologies automated tool. We discuss:

• The new OOOOb/c super-emitter regulation

• The types of tank super-emitter events

• How the Xtreme Tank tool works to prevent tank super-emitters

• How the Xtreme tool decreases tank safety risks

• How CleanConnect.ai computer vision and Xtreme Tank Technologies can work together to automate EPA compliance and eliminate safety risks

Links in episode

Mentioned in this episode:

Get my new EPA OOOOb/c cheat sheet: https://www.epacheatsheet.com/

Xtreme Tank Technologies website: https://www.xtremetanktechnologies.com/

Paul Gibbs LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-gibbs-bb06ba1b6/

Paul Gibbs

Founder of Xtreme Tank Technologies

Developed new patented technology for tanks to enhance carbon capture to reach total carbon capture. Technology that achieves this by working internally in the tank. (You capture what makes it out of the tank. XTT captures what flashes inside the tank). This technology is multi functional and is a type 1 tank fire tool as well. XTT can extinguish your tank fires automatically & unmanned. XTT can extinguish 10 tanks of 750 barrels in size faster than you can dial 911 to report tank fire.

Inside this episode

Links in episode

Mentioned in this episode:

Get my new EPA OOOOb/c cheat sheet: https://www.epacheatsheet.com/

Xtreme Tank Technologies website: https://www.xtremetanktechnologies.com/

Paul Gibbs LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-gibbs-bb06ba1b6/

Paul Gibbs

Founder of Xtreme Tank Technologies

Developed new patented technology for tanks to enhance carbon capture to reach total carbon capture. Technology that achieves this by working internally in the tank. (You capture what makes it out of the tank. XTT captures what flashes inside the tank). This technology is multi functional and is a type 1 tank fire tool as well. XTT can extinguish your tank fires automatically & unmanned. XTT can extinguish 10 tanks of 750 barrels in size faster than you can dial 911 to report tank fire.

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