Episode 63

How to Pick the Right Technology to Future-Proof Your EPA OOOO b/c LDAR Program

Episode 63

How to Pick the Right Technology to Future-Proof Your EPA OOOO b/c LDAR Program

Inside this episode

How to Pick the Right Technology to Future-Proof Your EPA OOOO b/c LDAR ProgramIn this live episode of Digital Roughnecks, Ryan Stream (Kairos Aerospace) and Mark Smith will discuss:

• The recent EPA OOOOb/c regulations and the potential impact on energy producers• How the new EPA regulations allow operators to assemble a hybrid monitoring strategy to take advantage of the best technology for their operations

• The pros & cons of methane monitoring technologies (planes, satellites, sensors, continuous-OGI, manual OGI, etc.)

• How you can get help building an LDAR program that will meet current and future EPA requirements

Links in episode

Download my EPA Cheat Sheet

Ryan Streams

VP of Policy and External Affairs

Ryan leads policy strategy and external affairs at Kairos. He works with policymakers to develop data-driven methane policies at the state, federal, and international levels. Ryan joined Kairos in 2018, originally as a part of the business development team, and focuses on telling the Kairos story to key stakeholders. Prior to joining Kairos, he managed regulatory affairs and air quality policy at Western Energy Alliance and guided energy technology development for the State of Utah.

Inside this episode

Links in episode

Download my EPA Cheat Sheet

Ryan Streams

VP of Policy and External Affairs

Ryan leads policy strategy and external affairs at Kairos. He works with policymakers to develop data-driven methane policies at the state, federal, and international levels. Ryan joined Kairos in 2018, originally as a part of the business development team, and focuses on telling the Kairos story to key stakeholders. Prior to joining Kairos, he managed regulatory affairs and air quality policy at Western Energy Alliance and guided energy technology development for the State of Utah.

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