Episode 51

How energy companies can prepare for the new required SEC ESG reporting

Episode 51

How energy companies can prepare for the new required SEC ESG reporting

Inside this episode

If you’re part of a publicly traded energy company or you have ESG investors, then this episode is designed for you.

Arooshi Dahiya has helped dozens of publicly traded companies in Hong Kong, Singapore, India, and Europe with their mandatory ESG reporting.  

The SEC recently published it’s 500-page proposed regulation called, “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors

Arooshi presents a summary of the new rules and explains what Energy companies must do to comply with the new disclosure rules.

Links in episode

Arooshi Dahiya

Co-founder and CEO, OREN.

Arooshi’s deep passion towards solving the climate crisis led her to start the company with her best friend, Abhirup. She writes about corporate sustainability on Future Proof. She loves the outdoors and is super proud to have completed the Chicago triathlon in 2020.

Arooshi Dahiya

Co-founder and CEO, OREN.

Arooshi’s deep passion towards solving the climate crisis led her to start the company with her best friend, Abhirup. She writes about corporate sustainability on Future Proof. She loves the outdoors and is super proud to have completed the Chicago triathlon in 2020.

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